Monday, April 25, 2011

I forgot to show off

I was going to talk about spending money on starters.  Seeds were pretty good prices, including $1 store 4 seed packs for a dollar.  Not bad, I might say...  However!!, if you talk about dirt, dirt are never cheap.  Who came up with the saying about "dirt cheap" prices.... lier...  Those wonderful people at Jiffy and Miracle-Gro must make a fortune from suckers like me. Well, I really like their products, so I shouldn't complain.  And, it is my decision to use these products, & nobody else force me to do it, unfortunately, so I can not blame anybody else. Darn.
Also, I had to look good outside, so I bought this....  New Boots!!  Wonderful Target had a sale!!.  Again, a suburbia sucker talking.  But, those boots itself makes my vegetable grow prettier, right??? Yeah, right.
So now, I'm ready for planting outside.  Dirt is ready, my hat and gloves are ready - and my new boots!!  Com'on Sunshine!!  Stop being cold already!!  I can't wait that 65 degree weather.   I'm ready.

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