Sunday, May 1, 2011

May has come with little snow

I've been trying to plant my Zucchini's for about a week now. And here I am, still fighting with cold weather. Poor little thing - I don't know I can keep it in the little containers anymore. I know I shouldn't be blaming on the weather for killing yet another plants, but it's just not fair - all my good intentions are just blown out with chilled air. It's been raining and snowing on and off, so everything in the yard is getting greener by the minutes, except, my dear poor vegetables. Above is the proof of gloomy outside weather with lots of pretty flowers...  This is as much as I can do for the day.  Oh, bummer...

Oh, I just read on the paper that there is a little organized effort to feed the hungry, by donating extra vegetable you grow, called "Plant a Row for the Hungry" - to support Food Bank of Rockies.  I will try my best to grow extra Zucchinis to do my share.  That will be my incentives not to kill anymore greens.....  Wow, I have a goal now.  Wish me luck!!!